Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Trailer for the Tiny House

Well, our plans were to begin shopping in the Spring for a trailer upon which to build our tiny house...BUT, Greg stumbled upon this one locally on craigslist and it was just too good of a deal to pass up! several thousand dollars cheaper than what we had budgeted to spend.  Brand new tires and a new light kit. 

Just awesome!

It even has a slide out!  We will see how that incorporates into the final plans, but we are so excited!!

We are looking at lots of plans, and are just amazed at all of the different ways people set up such a tiny space. 

It doesn't look all that tiny, does it?!

We spent some time cleaning up the camper, as it had not yet had a good cleaning since we moved it to Short Holler.  I just love this camper.  It is as old as me!  Everything in it is original, and in surprisingly good shape (just like me!). :)

We do plan to make a few minor adjustments, as this will be our home away from home while we are working on the tiny house!
Yep...straight from the late 60s, and we love it!  We bought this camper from some friends of ours a couple of years ago.  They were going to scrap it for the aluminum.  I'm just amazed at what we have been able to stumble across in this adventure! It's an Avion.  Look them up. They are built like tanks!  
We worked for awhile clearing some brush, and then we took a 4 wheeler ride to scope out our property.  Greg has worked hard these last few weeks in getting the road cut in, space cleared for the camper,and  brush cleared.  He also was able to get the tractor, his farm truck, and the 4 wheeler all out to the property.  I just love this man!  He is happy as a lark with this new place. :)

We brought Snowy and Lily out for their first time to Short Holler.  They LOVED it!  They ran around and explored and explored some more. 

Snowy found the highest points she could find to look out over the creek. 

Lily burrowed through every pile she could find.  She is going to be quite the rabbit hunter!

They wore themselves completely out, and slept most of the day after.

 No day at Short Holler would be complete without a raging campfire!  Well, really...we had brush to burn. :)

By this point, the dogs were content to be sitting on my lap. I'm telling you they wore themselves completely out.  It's been a long time since they've had such an adventure, and it warmed my heart for sure to see them having so much fun!

It was such a beautiful weekend, and we had a wonderful time being in this gorgeous place to recharge and reconnect...with eachother and with nature. 

We are so happy to be on this adventure  We have been spending a lot of time soul searching to find clarity on our goals and aligning our time to those goals.

We are figuring it out and making our plans, and it's just so terribly exciting!

Peace & Love
~Greg & Carla

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